About Us
For the last 30 years, we have continued our visual communication activities in Japan, as an artist agency that supports the activities of artists from around the world, through partnerships with the world’s top artists. We hope that continuing to disseminate new creative works from around the world in Japan, will serve as a bridge that connects the world and Japan, in this rapid changing world.
Our Team
Taiko Hasegawa
After having worked as a fashion editor of a foreign-affiliated fashion magazine, Taiko established Taiko & Associates, in 1993, and also stated to work as the agency for renowned overseas illustrators.
She contributed her efforts to the projects with overseas artists, In the 1990s, to raise the values of companies and artist authors, aiming to integrate visual art into corporate global branding, Based on her many years of experience, she develops various visual communications in various fields.
Noriko Horiguchi
ラジオ番組MCや弁護士事務所のリーガル・アシスタントを経て、Taiko&AssociatesのOverseas Communicationsを担当。自身では、「Kimonos Unlimited」の展覧会を開催、及び本を出版したり、カナダと日本の架け橋として、2017年に出版された、日本人移民に関する英語本「Gateway to Promise」の翻訳者の一人でもある。
After having worked at a foreign-affiliated advertising agency in Tokyo, Noriko moved to Vancouver, Canada. She was once a radio host and a legal assistant/translator in a law firm in Vancouver. She is in charge of overseas communications of Taiko&Associates. She organized her own exhibition and published the book “Kimonos Unlimited” in 2000, and she is also one of the translators for the English book “Gateway to Promise” about first Japanese immigrants to Canada, published in 2017.
Hasani Bandara
Creative Labo
バンダーラ ハサニ
She was born in Sri Lanka and moved to Japan with her family when she was one year old. She is well versed in the culture and language of both her native Sri Lanka and Japan, where she was born and raised. She is interested in international society and diverse cultures and is currently enrolled in the Graduate School of Humanities, Social and Business Sciences at the University of Tsukuba. Her research focus on gender and culture. She is interested in gender values and cultural differences in the illustrators themselves and their drawings.
Dacihi Shimizu
Creative Labo
Daichi spent his childhood in Autstralia gave him interest to communication in multi-cultural situation. He served as a Communication and Advocacy Officer for United Nations Youth Volunteer in Malawi. Currently, He is a PhD candidate in University of Tsukuba. With his research style narrating people’s epistemiology, he joined Creative Labo with a strong interest in how artists capture the world into their art.
Barneys NY、三越伊勢丹、マロニエゲート2&3, 銀座松屋, 丸井、大和、高島屋、イオン、プランタン銀座、そごう・西武、コカ・コーラ、手紙社、ほぼ日、ジェイアール東日本都市開発、東京急行電鉄、小泉ライフテックス、旭化成、三井不動産レジデンシャル、東急エージェンシー、阪急デザイン、PIE International、Waffle Flower, FABER-CASTELL、コクヨ、小学館、集英社、講談社、VOGUE JAPAN, ELLE JAPAN, 家庭画報社、ハースト婦人画報社、新潮社、朝日出版、文藝春秋社、幻冬社、NHK出版、スターツ出版、プレジデント社、宝島社、中央公論新社、マガジンハウス、角川書店、光文社、主婦と生活社、リクルートホールディング、博報堂、電通、アマナ、電通ヤング・アンド・ルビカム、ベイクルーズ、日本デザインセンター、日本ホールマーク、エイムクリエイツ、エーティーエー、シービーケー、資生堂、アクタス、ナディフ、他
in no particular order
Barneys NY, Mitsukoshi Isetan, Marronnier Gate 2 & 3, Ginza Matsuya, Marui, Yamato, Takashimaya,, Aeon, Le Printemps Ginza, Sogo / Seibu, Coca-Cola, Tegami-sha, Hobonichi, JR East Urban Development Corporation, Tokyu Corporation, Koizumi Liftex, Asahi Kasei, Mitsui Fudosan Residential, Tokyu Agency, Hankyu Design, PIE International、Waffle Flower, FABER-CASTELL、Kokuyo, Shogakkan, Shueisha, Kodansha, VOGUE JAPAN, ELLE JAPAN, Katei Gaho, Hearst Fujingaho, Shinchosha, Asahi Publishing, Bungeishunju company, Genso-sha, NHK Publishing, Starts Publishing, President Inc., Takarajima-sha, Chuokoron-Shinsha, Magazine House, Kadokawa Shoten, Kobunsha, Shufu-to-Seikatsusha, Recruit Holdings, Hakuhodo, Dentsu, Amana, Dentsu Young And Rubicam, Baycrews, Nippon Design Center, Japan Hallmark, AIM CREATE, ATA, CBK, SHISEIDO, Actus, NADiff,etc…